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Health is something we often take for granted

This past year or so has shown us that taking care of our health should be one of our top priorities, not just for ourselves but for the sake of our loved ones as well.

While following the health guidelines is important to keep everyone safe it is also imperative that we keep our immune system strong so it can defend against whatever comes in its way.

Stress, sleep deprivation, nutrition, and of course lack of key vitamins and minerals, all can lead to an impaired immune system.

The key supplements to support the immune system are Vitamin C and Vitamin D.

These two nutrients are the foundation for any immune-building regimen. Furthermore, these are perfectly safe across all age spectrums.

Adults and children can benefit from taking both of these supplements. Combining these powerful supplements with other antioxidants such as Quercetin, Elderberry, Echinacea and Zinc will further promote immunity to combat illness.

Stress and sleep play a vital role in how well our body is able to stay healthy. When we are under stress our body’s ability to fight disease decreases. If you have difficulty winding down at night, try using dark curtains or an eye mask. This helps with the quality of sleep and improves melatonin levels which is the key hormone for sleep. Some supplements can help the overtired and over-wired brains to relax, such as L-theanine, Magnesium, GABA, Passionflower, Valerian and Melatonin.

It is also said that 70% of our immune system resides in the GUT. So paying attention to our gut health should be our top priority as well. How well we absorb our nutrients depends on how healthy our gut is and if our gut is not healthy that means that we can take all the supplements there are but we may not see the full benefit of them unless we address the root cause of the problem. The number one thing we can do to support a healthy gut is to avoid foods that contain high amounts of sugar. Sugar damages the healthy microbiome and reduces our ability to fight disease. Replace the overly processed foods with healthy wholesome foods that help create healthy gut bacteria like eating a diverse range of foods such as vegetables, legumes, fruits and beans. Fibre promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, including specific types such as Bifidobacteria and Many fruits and vegetables are high in fibre.

Adding prebiotics and probiotics to the regime is another way to support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut as well.

These are just some things we can do to keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy.

As always consult with your primary caregiver before embarking on a new regime, especially if you are on any medications. Probiotics are also not recommended for those dealing with SIBO


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