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Well that's a wrap!

I do't think there is anyone on this planet that isn't happy to wave 2020 good bye!

The year 2020 will forever be known as the year of the pandemic however, it was also the year of adapting, pivoting and learning to do things out of our comfort zones.

While we may not have crossed of many of the destination travels from our bucket list... but we were given the chance to create memories in our own homes.

For myself this was the year of self discovery. Even though I had been on the self improvement path for many years however this was the year I decided to take action.

Here are just a few things that I tried:

  1. Took online business and self discovery courses

  2. Learned how to create a website from scratch

  3. Learned to manage and maintain two websites

  4. Got certified as a holistic coach

  5. Tried many new recipes in the kitchen

  6. Learning to be present without distractions... this one here is a work in progress


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